
Incident on St. Christopher — The Jukebox


Incident on St. Christopher is my first album, starting with the first song I've ever made. I made it using LMMS, a lovely free digital audio workstation. It was surprisingly easy to pick up and make something with, considering I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. And still don't! For instance, I don't know what genre to call this. Well, some subset of electronic, anyway. It's entirely made of digital synthesizers and free samples of single notes from various instruments. There's no vocals or lyrics, but there is some suggestion of a story. (And a right answer, of sorts, but it might be difficult to spot.)

It's available to stream on YouTube and available for streaming or downloading on Bandcamp. It's all totally free, and will be forever. Bandcamp will say "Buy", but you can put in $0, and please do. (If, somehow, I hit the free download limit on Bandcamp, I'll figure something out, but I don't see that happening.)

An album cover with starry background, featuring an asteroid with a crater; labeled Incident on St. Christopher — Preternaturality

A remote asteroid mining outpost finds itself dealing with a spate of sabotage. Luckily, a passing research ship notices their distress call, and the crew stops in to investigate. But not everything is as it seems on the barren rock of St. Christopher...